This is the first official post of the Under Over Fellowship. We are a new church start in Conroe, TX. Our church is a little different than traditional churches. We meet outside under the pavillion at Heritage Place in downtown Conroe. Our first official meeting will be Sunday March 20, 2011. We have chosen to be a church without a building so that we can use all of our resources for the Kingdom. Our goal is use 50%-60% of our budget for missions. We want to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit those in prison. We want to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community and the world. If you want to know more you can read our purpose, vision, and goals below or shoot us an e-mail at or give Jerry a call at 936-524-6347.
The purpose of Under Over Fellowship is to be a church where REAL PEOPLE, black, white, brown, young, old, rich, poor, college educated or those educated at the school of hard knocks can come in contact with a REAL GOD through salvation, worship, discipleship, ministry and giving. Resulting in REAL CHANGE in their lives, families, communities, country, and in the world in which they live.
Vision and Core Values
I see a church that is the body of Christ, a living organism, that is not defined by the building that it inhabits. A church that meets under a bridge, in a park, or a house. A church that is using resources to build up the Kingdom, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give water to the thirsty, and the spread the Good News to anyone that will sit still long enough to listen. Our call is to be a church based on the revealed truth of God made manifest through the Scripture, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and confirmed by the Body of Christ. Particular focus on the Early Church as revealed in the New Testament is regularly examined for its impact on our theology, methodology, missiology, and life together.
I see a church that is founded on multiculturalism. Embracing all racial and economic backgrounds in membership and leadership must be highlighted in a culture that knows mostly prejudice. The church is committed to a racially and economically diverse pastoral and leadership team. Through special efforts, leadership skills and empowerment will begin to raise up leaders in the church from racial and economic minorities who are capable of preaching, teaching, pastoring, leading worship, and other responsibilities. African American and Hispanic leaders must be affirmed, trained, and encouraged in leadership. Those coming from lower income backgrounds must likewise be affirmed and trained for leadership in all levels of the church.
I see a church where Biblical justice will be an overriding theme of the church. Based in the Old testament concept of "shalom" and the New Testament holism, a theology that embraces social action and evangelism as inseparable parts must be taught to help build a congregation that understands its role in the Kingdom of God. Fighting systemic injustice in the community is an outflow of this theology. Inter-agency and ecumenical efforts to provide information and referral for people in need to overcome life dilemmas will grow. As well, creating Christian -based programs and community development must grow alongside the proclaimed Word. Employment, recovery, counseling, support groups, literacy, discipleship, reconciliation and other opportunities must accompany the call of righteousness.
I see a place for the ones that need it the most and the ones that think they need it the least. A place where every man, woman, and child is welcome as they are and where they are in life. No matter the color of their skin, the size of their checkbook or level of education, everyone is welcome and loved. Our call is to be church to the unchurched. Although we do not preach to the unchurched as our primary target on Sunday morning, we recognize their presence among us and recognize most of the congregation come from unchurched or "cultural Christian" background and not from a solid discipleship background. Our evangelism is intertwined in our "being" and is more emphasized outside the morning worship experience, though often provided through individual counseling after the worship service. Recognizing and targeting "unreached people groups" outside our own culture is part of the our call as a church.
I see a church that disciples through Small Groups. With a growing group of unchurched and "baby" Christians, many of whom are living in struggles of immorality and biblical ignorance, a commitment to small groups is the basic tool for discipleship adopted by the Church. Though not ignoring Bible Studies, Sunday sermons, and other forms of discipleship, continued emphasis by small group leaders to recruit church attendees for involvement in weekly or regular small groups is important. Due to the unique needs of people in poverty or marginalization, mature Christians should lead and guide new or young believers into responsible Christian lifestyles.
I see a church that is called to minister to the poor and marginalized. The church must continue to provide acceptance and access for those who often are exclude from mainstream churches. De-emphasizing dress up clothing (or emphasizing casual dress), playing celebrative music (vs. traditional church music), and creating an atmosphere of friendliness and concern are important. Providing basic needs, such as hot meals, used clothing, and some assistance are inherently a part of that compassion. Giving respect and dignity, verbally and non-verbally, to the mental ill, impoverished, addicted, unemployed, and otherwise struggling people is expected in all programs and church gatherings.
I see a church that is financially able to give 50%-65% or more of its budget to help the poor and the lost locally, nationally and internationally. A church of the least of these with a passion to help the least of these. A church that can be an outreach and discipleship tool for local churches and that will give local pastors opportunities for their congregations to get their hands dirty and minister to the least of these. A church that can be recreated and planted wherever people can gather. Hundreds of buildingless churches fulfilling the great commission and being the church. Meeting the needs of people's mind body and spirit in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth.
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